Wednesday, January 2, 2008


*laughs bitterly*

It seems my clusmy mistakes how tripped me yet again.

My user name is supposed to be TryingToFindTheWords but I accidently submitted TryijngToFindTheWords. I'm such an idiot some times...


Will this be one of those things that 10 years from now people will be flooding into? And I'll have to turn my comments off because there are so many kids wanting to comment my words and let me know how they feel? Like Ryan Ross's life journal and how he deleted it after P!@rd exploded. (He did get rid of it, right?)Or how Pete Wentz won't let people leave comments on his blogspot (Hey Pete if you are reading this. Leave me a comment and say hi if you could please? :])

Because I kinda want it to be like that. I want people to read my thoughts and words. To love my lyrics and look up to me in a way. To trace back to the days when I kept a blog on buzznet or mibba or twitter or blogspot or myspace or livejournal or wherever I chose to write.

I admire Pete Wentz for his writing. He probably gets this a lot but he is so talented. He handles stress so well and rude kids too. I adore the way he responds to harsh "fans" in Q&A's on FOB's website. Magnificent really. I don't know many people who could stand what he goes through. And I admire him greatly for that.(cheers wentz, you are great in my book *knocks glass against yours*)

Maybe. I hope so. I secretly dream of it. To sing until my lungs give out in front of crowds of kids humming along to every word that I wrote. (What? Stop looking at me like that. I borrow lyrics sometimes to explain how I feel.)Because I love singing and nothing gives me greater pleasure than writing. I bet that would be an amazing feeling to experience.

I can only hope and work and strive for it.

xo Savannah



so I definitly just took my anger and sadness out on a (innocent) english question and went on a ranting rampage over "what would happen if the book continued?". My english teacher is going to be confused by my emo and passionate answer I bet.
